Ways to Engage.
We encourage schools, students, government agencies, and companies to join us to share the excitement of STEM with students from middle to upper school. Field trips are open to all children -- boys and girls -- and we develop special field trips for all girls schools.

Schools & Teachers
WHS works with individual schools or school districts to organize field trips to exciting STEM experiences related to homeland and national security. WHS coordinates site visits each April, working to match the field trip to the curriculum in participating schools.
WHS provides the field trip, a pizza lunch, and often some STEM related "flair" for the students. There are no posterboards, lecturing, or "powerpoints" -- we host an introduction to the facility and a hands-on tour to see STEM in action.
WHS may also provide transportation for schools, however, schools that can provide their own transportation get preference to reduce the costs of our program. To apply for fields trips, please click the APPLY NOW button. To sign up for our newsletter specifically for SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS, please click the Sign up button.

Students - WHS STEM Ambassadors
We encourage students to get engaged and take a leadership role in bringing STEM to their school -- it's a great resume builder, and a great way to build project management experience through managing a field trip. As a STEM Ambassador, you:
Work with your class and WHS to plan a STEM field trip
Are listed as a STEM Ambassador on our website
Can post to the WHS STEM page on Facebook with information you want to share
Receive exclusive invitations to STEM events hosted by WHS or similar organizations
If you are a student in middle to upper shool and want to become a WHS STEM Ambassador, please contact us.

Hosts - Government Agencies and Companies
If you have a "cool" technology related to homeland or national security, we want our kids to see it! From the forensics lab at the U.S. Secret Service to the Lockheed Martin Innovation Center, WHS connects students with you to learn and understand the possibilities of a STEAM career. As a host you would:
Provide a hands-on tour of your STEM facility/technology
Assign a contact for WHS to coordinate the site visit
Agree for your logo to be listed as a supporting site and described in our field trip descriptions
Provide space for the kids to have a pizza lunch!

Sponsors - Support STEM
WHS welcomes donations and sponsorships for our STEM program. From pizza to transportation to STEM "flair" -- WHS wants to provide the best, "coolest" experience to our participants. Sponsorship helps us add more schools, provide transportation for schools that cannot afford it, and expand our infrastructure to support our growing program! Sponsors receive:
Recognition on the WHS STEM website
Inclusion on all web and written material
Recognition on social media, the WHS STEM Facebook page, and in the WHS Monthly and STEM newsletter
For a complete list of benefits to our sponsorship packages, please contact us.

Our possibilities are endless -- if YOU help! Do you want to help students understand the power of STEM? Do you want to have some fun seeing some of the "coolest STEM out there"?
WHS needs chaperones, administrative assistance, coordinators, marketers, mentors, speakers -- YOU name it! Across the country we have the field trips, we just need the support. Sign up with us today!